Trump is the Devil

Rick Reed
1 min readNov 21, 2020

To anyone who has read the New Testament, it’s obvious that Trump is the Devil. The Devil’s hallmark is to seduce good people to abandon their better angels and commit sinful acts.

When Trump calls for state legislatures run by Republicans to overrule the will of their state’s voters and name electors for him instead of Biden, that’s blasphemous. He’s telling elected Republicans to denounce their oath of office, an oath sworn to God himself, taken with their hand placed upon the Holy Bible, to respect the principle of one person one vote and to put no man above the law.

We can see the work of the Devil throughout Trump’s life — cheating in business; committing adultery with porn stars, lying about things big and small; even putting innocent children in cages after separating them from their loving parents. Marks of the Devil, all.

Trump has shown us what he is throughout his Presidency. He’s showing us yet again by seeking to corrupt good Republicans. It’s time for all people of faith and especially all elected Republicans to say yes to their better angles, yes to affirming their oath of office and to reject, as the clear majority of voters have, the Devil Trump.

Trump is the Devil

